Learn what the Bible has to say about the Acts of the Apostles
Starting April 13th, 7:00-8:00 every Tuesday evening.
Join us on Zoom.
The death of Jesus on the cross is not the full story! What happened after the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ is the focus of this latest “Learn to Read the Bible Effectively” series which follows the book of Acts in the New Testament.
Please join us in this incredible series as we now consider the work of the apostles to confirm the teachings of Jesus. They were faced with persecutions and even the possibility of death, yet never waived in their efforts to preach the gospel.
Reasons to Attend
- Learn and develop personal reading skills to help you get more out of your Bible reading.
- Everyone receives a free manual in PDF format so you can follow with the sessions.
- Learn how the Acts is linked to the teachings and prophecies of the Old testament.
- Receive a fuller appreciation of the commission given by Jesus to the Apostles.
- Learn how the work of the apostles benefits us today.
What you will Learn
- What is an “apostle”?
- Why did Jesus go away?
- What is the significance of Pentecost?
- Where did “Easter” come from?
- How did the apostles spread the ‘gospel’?
- What does the term “gospel” mean?
- How the Holy Spirit helped the witness of the Apostles.
- Their testimony about the risen Christ.
- What are the ‘epistles’ and how do they fit into the message of the apostles?
- And so much more!